




Sound, Mind, Vision.
I’ve always believed there’s an unspoken power carried in real life conversation, something more sentimental, condensed between words and sound. Through the course of my time as a graphic designer turned installation and fashion designer, I’ve witnessed how the combination of digital and physical can enhance the human condition and produce transcendental experiences. Aura’s vision -  to create a world where people can capture moments for what they truly are - brought these two ideas together. By marrying physical with digital, Aura brings new life to one of our fundamental human activities - conversation.

Mappiing Emotion in Color and Form
Initial sketches(May,2021)

My journey at Aura began as a conceptual designer sketching out ideas and conceptualizing how we might abstract emotion. Our visual aesthetic naturally took shape as we began to better understand sound’s sonic qualities ebb and flow. Our digital product—an audiovisual clip—has two components: first, the audio a moment and second, the abstract visualization of changes in volume, pace, tone and emotion. While an Aura is transported and produced in the digital realm, it has inseparable ties from the real-world — where moments are recorded and their emotional flow and color are captured through sound.

Emotion in Space(Aug 2021 - april 2022)

I began by recording my everyday conversations. As these memories were slowly transformed into Aura during the experiments in our lab, I could now visualize interpersonal communication and emotional flow directly from conversations. Both the reconciliation and battle of intellect and emotion between speakers are shown, rapid changes and outflows almost too passionate for the digital world— carefully curated, operating in defense. An Aura can function as cutting edge sophisticated tech while also serving as an art piece that is playful and thought provoking. Bringing Aura to the physical space takes that experience to new shareable, sociable, and empathetic dimensions.
New York is a Balancing Art

Nowadays, we tend to form first impressions of others based on digital imagery and physical appearances. With limited time and patience, we prefer to look at others' figurative visual profiles, representing ourselves similarly. When we are told our self-introductions are merely elevator pitches, it becomes hard to remain humble and authentic. “The look” becomes our entry and access to social settings, leaving no space for mode of expression outside photographs and videos. We have yet to discover a way of expressing ourselves externally while remaining authentic, visually, yet more than skin-deep.

Aura is a novel medium to capture, save and evoke memories. Using AI to capture moments’ emotional essences, we aim to evoke human experiences authentically and imagine them anew. Bringing Aura into the physical world, we provide people a new way to showcase their memories to others, bringing them alive colorfully. Elegantly, digitally displayed, an Aura serves as a conversation starter in one's home. It is art that speaks of, with, and to its owner, echoing authentic, unique, and thoughtful intimacy with oneself.

Aura flips the luxury world around its head through showing true luxury doesn’t lie in materiality but in the tender moments we can never easily get back on. It opens the doors to deeper intellectual exchanges and foster resonance in energy, spiraling up more intelligence and thoughtfulness. It finds its niche in the everyday life, but stands and thrives at an irreplacable place only with the ones understand, which is exactly what makes it luxury.