
The Research Project - Paris and New York: The mutual fantazation that reinforces “Parisien" and "New Yorker", 2020

Medium: Recycled Vinyls, Newspaper, Book pages, Matte Gel Medium

Singo, 2020
Mediuml: Paper

The Triptych, 2020

Medium: Scanner

Wake Me Up Until Covid Ends(It's Not Too Late), 2020
Medium: Flower, Photography

New York, New York..., 2019
Medium: Chalk

The Only Corner Retouched, 2019
Medium: Acrylyc

The Only Corner, 2018

Medium: Acrylyc, Photoshop, Photography

Home 1736..., 2018
Medium: Chinese Paint, Ink

NABANA, 2017
Medium: Gouache, Acrylic Board, Photography

Andreea, 2017
Medium: Acrylic, Printed Photo, Romanian Textile, Matte Gel Medium

Kristina, 2017
Medium: Watercolor, Acrylic